Free Download - Pet Emergency Info Sheet
Late May of 2023 has brought devastation to our home province of Nova Scotia in the form of several out of control woodland fires. The fires have caused the evacuation of many homes and unfortunately for many they were not able to get home to evacuate pets. This had me thinking about my own emergency plans and what I would need to have prepared to quickly evacuate the dogs and cat. Les and I decided the best course of action is to have a "go bag" ready with the basics so all we would have to do is grab food and water. In this bag I thought it would be handy to have a pet info sheet with contact info, physical descriptions, veterinary info etc. In the event one of the pets were to get loose or we were somehow separated, all important contacts and identifying info would be in one place.
I am offering this sheet as a free download for others. Fill it out, place photos or other important info on the back and keep a copy in your "go bag", first aid kit, car, anywhere the info might be useful in an emergency. If possible laminate it or put it in a page protector for durability/water resistance.
If you are interested in what I am putting in our "go bag" check out the below graphics that I shared on Instagram.
